My first interactions with software engineering started in high school,
where I was picked to attend an information technology magnet school in
Stamford, CT. While it gave me skills in everything Microsoft, it also
gave me the opportunity to try my hand at everything from visual basic
programming, GIS, animation, photography, and most importantly it opened
to door to web design, starting with Adobe Dreamweaver.
Holding onto that basic foundation I found myself walking down the path
of psychology in college and graduated with a Bachelors degree. After
college I immediately started to work with children with special needs,
and although I was rewarded with patience and problem solving skills, I
found myself looking back at all the previous skills I had once known
and started the “What if...” game. Here is the start of that game: my
projects and portfolio, I hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed making
Nick's Recipe Book
Donut Dash
The Pokéstop